Telecommunications/Technology Glossary Acronyms Abbreviations Dictionary
- LAN - Local Area Network
- LATA - Local Access Transport Area - is a U.S.A. geographic area that includes a local calling area plus a regional calling area. LATAs roughly correspond to metropolitan areas and thus can span across more than one state. However, most LATAs are within a state with each state containing one or more LATAs.
- LCA - Local Calling Area
- LCR - Lowest Cost Routing
- LNP - Local Number Portability - allows phone numbers to be ported (moved) from one carrier to another, for example from a landline phone to a cell phone or a VoIP phone.
- LPN - Low-Power Network - a type of wireless telecommunication wide area network designed to allow long-range communications at a low bit rate among things (connected objects), such as sensors operated on a battery.
- LPWAN - Low-Power Wide-Area Network - a type of wireless telecommunication wide area network designed to allow long-range communications at a low bit rate among things (connected objects), such as sensors operated on a battery.
- LTE - Long Term Evolution - a 4G wireless technology using flat IP architecture developed within the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards organization. It has lower latency than the 3G technology. Verizon Wireless has decided to use LTE in it's future plans to complement it's existing CDMA network.
- M2M - Machine-to-machine, for example cellular M2M communications. Typical applications are utility meter reading and vehicle tracking and diagnostics. (see next item)
- M2M - Month to Month - normally large Telecommunications contracts start with a term between 1 and 3 years, sometimes 5 years; once that initial term is up, a contract may be renewed or it may go to a M2M arrangement. (see previous item)
- MA - Master Agreement
- MaaS - Mobility as a Service
- MARC - Minimum Annual Revenue Commitment
- MBE - Mid-Band Ethernet
- MDaaS - Managed Device as a Service (see next item)
- MDaaS - Mobile Device as a Service (see previous item)
- MDM - Mobil Device Management
- MDR - Managed THreat ThDetection and Response
- MDU - Multi-Dwelling Unit - apartment building.
- MEF - MetroEthernet Forum
- MEN - Metro Ethernet network
- MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication - use of more than a single factor for logging into an account; e.g., use of a password and a code sent by a text message or a phone call.
- MIMO - Multiple Input Multiple Output - a method for increasing the capacity of radio channels by using multiple antennas.
- ML - Machine Learning
- MLPPP - MultiLink Point-to-Point Protocol
- MMDS - Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service aka Microwave Multipoint Distribution Services - A digital line of sight wireless broadcasting and communications system that works in the 2.1-2.7 GHz range. It is licensed by the FCC and can be used to transmit data and phone services over 30 mile distances.
- MMF - Multi Mode Fiber.
- MMR - MeetMe Room - room at a Collocation Center in which carriers connect to ports that connect to customers rack equipment. MMRs are required because carriers have no access into the room where the customer racks are located.
- MMUC - Minimum Monthly Usage Commitment
- MNC - A multinational company (or multinational corporation) is an organization that controls services and/or the production of goods in at least two countries. Some say that for a company to be considered an MNC, it must derive at least 25% of its revenue from operations outside of its home country.
- MNO - Mobile Network Operator
- MNP - Mobile Number Portability
- MoCA - Multimedia over Coax Alliance
- MOS - Mean Opinion Score - A number between 1 and 5 rating the quality of a voice service or connection where 5 is the excellent quality, 4 is good, 3 is fair, 2 is poor, and between 1 and 2 is completely unuseable. A good POTS or land line connection is in the 4 to 4.5 range. These days respectable VoIP services are between about 3.9 and 4.4.
- mou - memorandum of understanding
- MOU - Minutes of Use - many providers of phone service offer packages with various numbers of MOUs included
- MPLS - Multi-protocol Label Switching - IETF standard used to prioritize traffic to avoid network congestion or failures. Today, QoS doesn't carry over from one network to another. Once MPLS is widely deployed, it promises to not only accomplish this QoS carryover but to introduce advanced QOS. MPLS offers the ability to integrate voice, video and data across a common platform giving appropriate priority to each using CoS. It can replace ATM, Frame Relay, and Hosted VPN offerings.
- MPOE - Minimum Point of Entry - Main Phone Closet or Box - typically in the basement or on the first floor.
- MRC - Monthly Recurring Cost
- MRR - Monthly Recurring Revenue
- MSA - Metropolitan Service Area
- MSAP - Multi-Service Access Platform.
- MSO - Multiple System Operators - A cable company that operates more than one cable system; i.e., that operates in more than one community. Generally MSO is used to describe large cable companies that operate in many communities.
- MSP - Managed Service Provider
- MSPP - Multiservice Provisioning Platform.
- MSS - Managed Security Services
- MSSP - Managed Security Service Provider
- MTNS - MultiTransport Network Service
- MTTC - Mean Time to Contain a cyberattack
- MTTI - Mean Time to Identify a cyberattack
- MTTR - Mean Time to Repair OR Mean Time to Restore (note that these definitions are very different so it's important to know which definition the vendor is using)
- MVNA - Mobile Virtual Network Aggregator
- MVNO - Mobile Virtual Network Operator
- MX - Mail Exchange
- NaaS - Network as a Service
- NAC - Network Access Control - Network Access Control is used to secure users and endpoints to a local network.
- NAT - Network Address Translation
- NCC - National Cybersecurity Center
- NFAS - Non-Facilities Associated Signaling
- NFC - Near Field Communication - a wireless radio communications standard typically used with NFC tags to track items including item descriptive info that can be read using a smartphone or other NFC-capable device. NFC is a subset of RFID technology that is considered to be more secure than general RFID since most NFC devices must be no more than a few centimeters apart. NFC allows 2-way communication; e.g., between smartphones.
- NFT - Non-Fungible Token - a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain. The blockchain is a decentralized ledger that traces the ownership and transaction history of each NFT ensuring it's uniqueness. NFTs are virtual tokens that can represent such diverse items as photos, music, videos, sports cards, video game memorabilia, StarTrek memorabilia, digital artwork, and other types of digital files.
- NFV - Network Functions Virtualization - the move of network functions from dedicated hardware onto servers. In other words, NFV allows the functions of hardware to be moved to software running on generic servers; e.g., firewalls, gateways, routers, SBCs.
- NG - Next Generation
- NGFW - Next Generation Firewall
- NGN - Next-Generation Networks
- NIC - Network Interface Card - Card used in a PC to connect to a network.
- NIU - Network Interface Unit
- NLP - Natural Language Processing - processing or interpretation of language by computers.
- NLU - Natural Language Understanding
- NNI - Network-to-Network Interface
- NRC - Non-Recurring Cost - one time cost
- NS - Name Server
- NTA - Network Traffic Analysis
- NTU - Network Terminating Unit or Network Termination Unit - A device provided by a carrier which connects to CPE and interfaces it with the PSTN.
- OCN - Operating Carrier Number
- ODIN - Open Datacenter with an Interoperable Network
- OFDMA- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
- OIC - Open Interconnect Consortium - Group of firms, including Intel, Samsung, Dell and Broadcom, that has a goal of defining a framework and standards for the emerging Internet of Things to provide secure and reliable device discovery and connectivity across multiple OSs and platforms.
- OLPC - One Laptop Per Child - project whose goal is to bring inexpensive computing resources to children in the developing world.
- ONT - Optical Network Terminal - terminal that supports a number of customers.
- OSC - Organization Seeking Certification - DoD terminology
- OSI - Open System Interconnection
- OSPF - Open Shortest Path First
- OTT - Over the Top - refers to services provided by a provider other than the provider of the circuit(s) on which the services are riding. For example, some providers will sell you Hosted PBX, Hosted Contact Center, and/or SD-WAN services even though they are not also selling you the circuit(s) for these services.
- PAE - Performance Assured Ethernet
- PAM - Privileged Access Management
- PBB-TE- Provider Backbone Bridging - Traffic Engineering - Emerging IEEE standard for Ethernet transport which provides enhancements known as PBT.
- PBT - Provider Backbone Transport - Ethernet enhancement which can allow control of data paths in a large carrier network.
- PBX - Private Branch Exchange
- PCI-DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
- PIC - Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier - The Interexchange Carrier to which calls are routed by default sometimes called the Preferred Interexchange Carrier.
- PKI - Public-Key Infrastructure - the technology behind digital certificates.
- PL - Private line
- PMS - Practice Management System
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics - graphics format offering advantages of JPEGs (such as true-color support) and GIFs (such as lossless compression) plus new capabilities such as varying degrees of transparency.
- POC - Proof of Concept (see next item)
- POC - Proof of Coverage (see previous item)
- PON - Passive optical network
- POP - Point of Presence
- PoS - Packet over Sonet
- POTS - Plain Old Telephone System (or Service) - The telephone system that runs on the PSTN.
- P-OTS - Packet Optical Transport System - combines the functionality of SONET/SDH, Ethernet and WDM/ROADM
- POV - Proof of Value
- PPP - Point to Point Protocol
- PS/ALI-Private Switch/Automatic Location Identification - ability to identify the phone within an organization from which a 911 call was placed.
- PSAPs - Public safety answering points - Points at which 9-1-1 calls are answered.
- PSAT - Public Service Access Point
- PSK - Pre-Specified Keys
- PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network -the international telephone system based on copper wires carrying analog voice data on circuit-switched telephone networks. Also, known as the POTS.
- PtP - Point-to-Point - usually refers to a dedicated circuit run between two points.
- PTT - Push-to-talk
- PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuit
- PVR - Personal Video Recorder
- QA - Quality Analytics
- QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
- QM - Quality Management
- QoE - Quality of Experience
- QoS - Quality of Service
- RaaS - Ransomeware-as-a-Service
- Radius - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service - a network protocol that uses centralized authentication, authorization, and accounting for requests over a network
- RAN - Radio Access Network
- RBAC - Role Based Access Control
- RBI - Remote Browser isolation
- RBOC - Regional Bell Operating Company
- RCF - Remote Call Forwarding
- RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol
- RFID - Radio frequency identification - RFID tags use 1-way communication with a range up to 100 meters.
- RFO - Reason for Outage
- RFoG - Radio frequency over glass - deep-fiber network design in which a single mono-mode fiber PON replaces the coax portion of a HFC network.
- RNIE - Redirected Number Information Event - When forwarding a call, a PBX that supports RNIE can pass Caller ID info from an incoming call along with the call
- ROE - Right of Entry - agreement between carrier and building owner/management re circuit entry into the building
- RPA - Robotic Process Automation
- RSS - Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication - all of these refer to the same thing - RSS is a commonly accepted XML standard platform, a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites. With RSS a webmaster can instantly deliver information
- RTAV - Real Time Audio and Video
- RTCP - Real Time Transport Control Protocol
- RTP - Real Time Protocol
Telecommunications/Technology Glossary Acronyms Abbreviations Dictionary
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